Monday, 29 December 2014

Christmas Races

Christmas races

Cheddlton Pud run and the Christmas Cracker over the roaches.

The first festival run in the Christmas Calendar was the Cheddleton Pud run. Which is 3 laps around the back lanes in Cheddleton. I had no intention of the doing the race the morning I woke up. As my leg felt a bit tight. So I opted to go to Cave training instead. I went and after I felt great. I then got a text from craig and martin saying they were running. I thought, well I may as well. And thats is what you can not do, do not change your plan, but thats what I did. I should of stayed at home. My legs felt like they had 30 christmas puds in each of them. I felt horrible warming up. This did not bow well. My only hope was that after a mile or so they would come alive.

Cop Hill Fell Race

Cop Hill Fell Race 2nd November 2014

Cop Hill Fell race is located in Meltham and organised by Meltham Athletics Club. It's a 7 mile race that consists of two laps.

The first part of the course is made up of one climb to the reservoir, and then another short climb just before the trig and then a descent back near to the start line along a farm track, the course then repeats until you hit the farm track and head back towards the sport complex where the finish is.

I travelled up with Gareth Briggs, who had recommended the course and his partner Joanna Hackett.

For the first time in a while before a race, I felt okay, not that badly injured and not that nervous...Something was a miss I thought.

British Fell Relays 2014

British Fell Relays 19/10/14

That time of year has come around once again. The biggest social event in the Fell running calendar. This is the British Fell Relays, this year it was held in the Lakes at Middleton Fells on the 19th October.  

I helped Gareth Briggs organise the Fell Relay teams this year. We decided to opted for three teams, maybe in retrospect we should of stuck to two. However we wanted to encourage the growth of fell running in the club. And to an extent that did work. We opted for one vets team, and two open teams. 

We all decided to travel up on the day, which was fine apart from Alison got a puncture on the way up in her car. Which delayed there arrival a little. 

After setting up the tent, getting numbers and tags etc we went for a warm up. It's hard to do this,  as it's relays, some people would be running off straight away others would have to wait until the afternoon.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Shelf Moor Fell Race 14

Shelf Moor Fell Race 07/09/14

This is the second time I ve done this race, the first time I did it with Gareth Briggs. This year he decided to do another race, so I arrived with the Craig and Martin.

After registration in the old scout hut and a half mile warm up to the start we were on the start line. I saw Roger Taylor and his friend who was doing her first fell race. I can't think of a better fell race to do as your first. Good choice Roger. Roger is a good friend and he runs for Mercia and lives in Stone.  Mark Platt who also runs for Staffordshire Moorlands also made his way up to the race. Hes nice bloke and has been running for a while.

Longshaw Sheep Dog Trails.

Longshaw Sheep Dog Trails Fell Race 30/08/14

Myself, Craig, and Martin decided to carry on racing.

We enjoy running, we enjoy the banter, we enjoy the sport and we enjoy the land.  So the next chapter in the adventure took us towards Sheffield and close to the burbage edge.

Here is the link to the website:

We arrived to a muddy field in a cold and wet miserable day. O the joys of running in the rain. None of us knew what to expect and how difficult the race was. We had just turned up to take part in the race.

Weasdale Horseshoe

Weasdale Horseshoe Fell Race 23/08/14

A rare trip up to the lakes to race, this was my first lakes fell race. You start to fear the worst when you see the mountain grow as your driving on the motorway. And for those that know me, my nervous started to step it up a notch, so there were a couple of stops on the motorway!

I travelled up with a Craig Jeffery, Gareth Briggs, and Martin Dearden all from Staffs Moorlands running club. This made for an enjoyable journey because of the banter. Laughing definitely helps settle nervous.

We arrived at the Wasdale and it was no surprise that the race was attached to a village fete. A gently warm up and a quick look at the map and a technical tongue wag with Gaz about the the route as he has done it before. And I was set for me race plan.

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Half tour of Bradwell

Half Tour Bradwell

This year I opted to do the half tour of Bradwell, rather then the full tour that usually cripples me. The half is 15/16 miles long and takes the first part of the route from the full tour until you get to the Hollin's Cross and then it goes across the ridge until you join the route on the full tour.  Then the Half goes back to start/finish line on its own route once you hit the car park checkpoint near Lady-bower reservoir. And this is the bit I didn't know, as I didn't do a recce.

I arrived just in time to get myself sorted and also meet up with Janson Heath who was running the full tour along with Frank Murphy. Lisa, Janson's wife was also there. Myself and Janson were running for Team Raidlight, though in separate races.

Friday, 26 December 2014

Summer Series 14

Summer Series

The summer series is a great social event for anyone living in staffordshire and beyond. There are nine races in total and they happen every thursday evening from the the end of May, I think. The races are organised by Staffordshire Moorlands Athletics Club.

Its a great chance to do a short sharp run in the middle of the week and to catch up with follow runners.

As well as competing in the series for a second time, I also organised a race.  In order to be included in the league standings at the end of the series you have to complete 7 out of the 9 races. This is harder than you think. As its demanding to race every week. So my advice is to plan which seven or eight races to do, as I always feel you need a rest in the middle somewhere.

Kentmere Horseshoe English Champs.

Kentmere Horseshoe 20/07/14

Borrow car. Drive for 3hrs. Forget Club top! Panic. Meet club captain. Buy random top. Warm up. Think to myself why the hell am I here. 

At this point I’d only ran once in June for training as I got injured MTB in Wales. And since then I have had a bad back, which is now starting to get better. Now am just stuck with my bad glute that I’ve had since October 2013…

Meet Will Neill, Gareth Briggs,  Jo and Emma Gould. And its time for the start of the race. I position myself near the back. Confidence is low and there is little racing legs in me apart from the summer series.

Langley Fell Race

Langley Fell Race 30/06/14

This is a local race, located in Langley near Macclessfield, it's a short 3mile race which is attached to a village fete. Village Fetes are a common sight among fell races, and there a welcome sight at the end of the race with plenty people watching to do,  and tea and cakes are in abundance. Every fell runners little dream.

Gritstone Tryal Navigation Race

Gritstone Tryal Navigation Race  27/04/14

This is organised by a Staffs Moorlands runner Ian Ankers, a super nice chap. 

This is my first navigation race, and I wanted to do it to force myself to learn how to read a map and use a compass. Dale Colclough showed me how to do it before the race. Now time like the present.

After a quick plan and chat with John Whilock on what route to take to the marked checkpoints we were standing on the starting line.

I decided that I wanted to go my own route and not follow anyone, as I wanted to learn the hard way. I certainly did, I was last at the first checkpoint. I had a lot of work to do to finish in a respectable position. Lucky the other checkpoints were areas that I kind of knew. So I hoped that my local knowledge would come in useful.

Wolfs Pitt Fell Race

Wolfs Pitt Fell Race (16/04/14) 34th

Invited by follow team mates from Staffs Moorlands to do this iconic race in the white peak.  I was hoping for a better result than Edale Skyline...

I rested for this race and got excited, as I always do. After a brief warm up in the chilling wind. We were lined up and good to go.  The first climb was the toughest in the race but a most enjoyable one, as you came see all/most of the runners at this point. Gareth Briggs, James Wood, Craig Jeffery and Jason Burgess all ahead of me.

Edale Skyline 23/03/2014

Having completed the route on a recce day with Janson Heath earlier in the year. I realised two things, one that Edale Skyline is a beautiful race, in terms of the landscape and location. Two, that my love of the landscape would get me through the race, that I had pre entered. As this is one tough cookie... During my snowy recce with Janson, I nearly cried towards the end of the route. The pain that came to my concrete legs was heavy felt.

I went to the race with Gareth Briggs, a follow Staffs Moorlands runner. Excitement gripped my hands and turned my stomach at least four times... A brief chat and the thought of this marmite race was underway.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Pendle Fell English Championship

Pendle Fell Race
English Championship

 This was my first race in the English Championship, excited is a one word, nervous is another. It was a chance to put myself up against the best in the Country and see how I compared.

I travelled up with Lisa Heath who was supporting Janson Heath, her partner, both run for Trentham running club, though Janson runs for Ambleside on the Fells. Both are good friends of mine and are really good ultra runners. I have learnt a lot from both in the last year I have known them. Many Thanks. The Journey to and from the race was no different. A chance to exchange ideas and thoughts about running.

 I was running for Staffordshire Moorlands AC once again. I hoped the heart of the roaches and the hill reps from Hen Cloud would carry me forth...

Pendle is known for its witches, so I was hoping that some witch and her magic would cast a spell for me to fly up the hill and back down. Sadly I was mistaken. The course is pretty much an up and down race. With one big long climb, a little drop and a really breath taking, heart in mouth, blood to the head, pain to legs, steep climb to the trig and back to the start. A pacey race for sure.

 I meet up with Janson and follow staffs moorlands runner Martin Dearden also from Leek, after good warm up, we will ready for the start. We were ready as we would ever be. I also meet a follow runner from Leek called Will Neill, an extremely talented runner. An exchange of hellos and wishing each other luck we were all ready to go. Along with the other 400 runners in the Village of Barley.

 Lucky for both you and me Will's Dad and Sister who had just completed her Ladies race for Staffs Moorlands were filming. So I don't have to bore you with all the details. Will's sister Becky finished 43rd in the time of 47minutes and was third in her Category.

 Heres my quick description of the race:

 Breath, Wish good luck, avoid car and all the other runners, one foot in front then the other at wide spaces, as fast you can. Admire the Reservoir. Tactic...Maybe...No. Avoid that women with the camera and that puddle. Go as fast as possible. Wow that hurts, reach climb, dying on my feet. Chest forward, climb, breath. Walk, run, walk run, repeat. Seriously how long does this climb go on for!?! Finally, release legs on the down hill. breath avoid the rocks and stones. Receive the applause for acting like child or a crazy man. Yes I feel like a caveman, hit the big stupidly stupid big steep climb, pull and rip the grass, pull on the rocks. Am rubbish at climbing at pace. Repeat and wonder why am here. Get overtaken by a huge amount of runners that appear to be rest of the field behind. Reach the top of the trig, go round it and back down on big downhill. Watch footing, try to make up places. Can't. Stick with the runners. Reach the pavement, make my move. Increase pace on the road and on the last little bit of ascent overtake approximately 20 runners. Boom! I have found my inner cat self. Continue to push, and catch the last two runners in front of me before the line. Must of finish with 5 minute miles...

Will had a great run and all his training pays off in the races. Janson, is currently training for the Bob graham round, so he is doing more longer training session, so I imagine this was a bit of shock, he had a great race, as did Martin who has just started competing with the races with me. Good effort everyone.

Will Neill finished 16th in 35mins and 33 seconds
I finished in 99th at the time, now 101 in 41minutes.
Janson finished in 44minutes and 43
Martin finished in 47minutes and 05 seconds

 Pleased to have made the top 100, disappointed to be now out of it. By ONE place. O well next year. Will Neills videos, please subscribe and watch them.


Finishing Part of the Race, click on the link below:

Friday, 21 March 2014

National Cross Country Nottingham

National Cross Country Nottingham 2014 Here is a video taken from William Neill. This is far better than me explaining what happened. Amazing start to the race to a three lap course. Total distance was 7 miles I think. I finished 684 in 47minutes and 13 seconds and something out of about 1700 runners. Which I was pleased about so the club celebrations later on in the night went on till 3am...

Monday, 10 March 2014

Long Mynd Valley Fell Race

Long Mynd Fell Race
02 March 2014

It’s a Feb 2014 and am back in Shropshire to race at the Long Mynd Fell Race.
Its been a while since I did the Long Mynd Hike, around 18months.  The Long Mynd was one of the reason why I started to get into running in the first place. A broken promise never fore filled, add in regret and you have the reason why I started. Its not to say I didn’t enjoy running in the first place. I just never really thought about running for running’s sake before.  I suppose you don’t until you hit with the reality of completing a 50 mile hill race… Probably something I should of took a bit more seriously. I drastically over estimated it. I also underestimated how much I would become to love the sport of trail, fell and ultra running.  Its that reason why am back at the Long Mynd, this time with more knowledge and more friends. Though that doesn’t help you complete a challenging course, it does help a little.

I traveled down with Gareth Briggs, Tracy Dean and Ian Ankers. We also meet up with Dale Colclough and Will Neill.

The route is class as AL, meaning that is a long route generally 10miles plus and also it tough, bloody tough.  This was my first AL fell race.  Lets hope I last the race.  I’d finished other fell races, with the Roaches been the next toughest I’d done before which is a BL. 

Given plenty of advice from Dale, Gaz, Tracy, and Ian we will set to start the race where the visitor centre is. Which is a National Trust one.  It started in a middle of valley and lead up towards the Long Mynd vallery across the top to Pole Bank.
This was the only part of the course that I knew the rest was blind to me.

The whistle went for the start and we were off over the first hill with the sun on our backs. I started steady, and took it easy for the first two miles or so. At least what I thought was steady, I was still tired. I knew I was going to be in for hard race.  As the start was the gently part of the course compared to other half. 

We climbed up the first bank, legs and arms pumping to move the body forward. Words of encouragment came from Dale “look at young Bethell climb the hill, just like his brother (Forest Bethell).” That motivated so I moved up through packed reached the first climb and ran like kid to a candy shop all the way back down the hill. 

The climb towards Pole bank was tricky and I was trying to keep up with Tracy Dean. I stayed with her just before check point two and she was and off.  I holded myself back at this point as I didn’t want to start to go a little harder just yet. 

We moved through heather and did some zig and zag down the side of a steep hill, the approach was much like a skier. Though a lot slower and I was the slowest descender compared to my follow fell runners. I always loose places going down hill.  Still work to be done it that department. After that descent it’s a bit of blur where the course went, it was through streams, climbing sheep trods, cracks in the valley and more heather descents until we reached checkpoint 5.

Looking not so sporty...I will try to improve my fashion when running...

Tracy Dean looking good, approaching check point five

Now Checkpoint 5 – 6 was really enjoyable running and one that I have enjoyed the most compared to other fell races that I have completed.  We followed a stream all the way to checkpoint 6 on a route that is best describe as rocky trail surface with odd twist and turn.  I must of enjoyed as I began to overtake people and once I reached checkpoint 6 looked towards the next climb, I could see Tracy. I tried to catch but she was to far ahead. At this point many people were taking different lines. I didn’t have time to grab my map. Instead I just moved forward and tried to remember the line from the map I looked at before the start of the race. I decided to follow tracy and climb the steepest part of the hill instead of going right and up like a few other people. The problem was I climbed the painstaking hill, managed to overtake people but lost them when I reach the summit. I blindly ran in the direction of the course on a trodden footpath. After two minutes of running I realised I was by myself and everyone had taken a different line. Then I looked a bit further a head and saw the rest of the field. I decided to run straight to them. I did this but in my hurry I ran into a blackthorn tree. Oops. That hurt and slowed me a little. I carried on regardless and hit the bottom and saw checkpoint 7. I still haven’t decided if I lost time or if I made time. It was close either way. I think I may of made time. If just a fraction. As I didn’t recognize anyone else around me.  I did see Tracy again, so it would have been a case of minutes. I then headed for checkpoint 8 another zig zag climb. At this point I felt a bit of cramp in my leg. So I decided to slow down and stretch a little. I took two minutes and lost a few places, but then started to run again. I seemed okay after this. Well that and the magic of salt and vinegar crisps.

It was now for the hardest climb of the course to checkpoint 9 on yearlet summit. And boy did this hurt…It took a while to get to tope of this. Probably ten to fifteen minutes. Maybe I took the wrong route. Though I did manage to catch and over take people climbing up there. My ascent is far better than my descent. That’s for sure.  Off to the finish then. Well this was easy said than done. I could see a few runners in the distance so I headed towards them. I passed a friendly face of Mark Davis who was watching the race and the course. Thanks the encouragement.  At this point I was leading group of runner that had just climbed to CP9.  I tried to follow my nose, but wasn’t sure so I slowed and waited for runners to catch in hope that they knew. They didn’t. Lesson always know the course or have map to hand. We then headed towards a car park and saw some other runners and headed towards the finish line. 

Out of breath, tired and worn out with a blackthorn stuck in my ankle I was pleased to of made it back safe and sort of sound.

Will won the race in 1hr 43
Gareth finished in 1hr 57 in 11th
Tracy finished in 2hrs 16 in 54th
I finished in 2hrs and 21 in 74th
Dale finished in 2hrs 23 in 81th along with follow and friendly runner Simon
Ian Ankers finished in 2hrs 43 in 143rd

There were 203 runners that took on the challenge of the Long Mynd and am sure I ll be back to do it again next year. Its such a good course and one that I would recommend.

I was a little bit disappointed with my time, so I am hoping for 2hrs and 15 next year.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014 races

This year I plan to do the English Fell Running Championship, and I aim to have these as my focus races.

I will also be running for Staffordshire Moorlands Athletics Club and Team Raidlight in races.

So I plan to do the following races:

English Fell champs

Pendle (05/04/14)
Ennerdale (07/06/14)
Kentmere Horseshoe (20/07/14)
Hodder Valley Show (13/09/14)

and also do the following:

National Cross Country Champs (22/02/14)
Long Tour of Bradwell, probably the half this year. (09-10/08/14)
Stafford Half (16/03/2014)
Passing Clouds (15/06/2014)
Shutlingsloe (26/05/2014)
Cloud Nine (06/04/2014)
Roaches Fell Race
Chrome Hill Fell Race (29/06/14)
Ipstones Five
and Summer Series