Having completed the route on a recce day with Janson Heath earlier in the year. I realised two things, one that Edale Skyline is a beautiful race, in terms of the landscape and location. Two, that my love of the landscape would get me through the race, that I had pre entered. As this is one tough cookie... During my snowy recce with Janson, I nearly cried towards the end of the route. The pain that came to my concrete legs was heavy felt.
I went to the race with Gareth Briggs, a follow Staffs Moorlands runner. Excitement gripped my hands and turned my stomach at least four times... A brief chat and the thought of this marmite race was underway.
I set off to fast, so much so I was leading for all of the 50metres. And as soon as I hit the climb I pulled myself back in. As it was another 4 hours before I hit the finished line. I enjoyed the start off the race, the new route burnt and ate my legs away, due to the sheer steepness. A sledge would of been perfect for that descent. On the way up to Hollins Cross I saw Janson, who came to support. It was nice to see him. At this point, I felt sick and tired and I was only half way around the course. I managed to pull myself together to pick up my pace, until I hit the last stretch towards Ringing Roger. It was at this point I got cramp and could not shift it. I had to crawl all the way back to the finish line and sometimes I had to sit down. This was torture and one of the most difficult races I have done.
My finish time was 4hrs:4m:49 in 115th. Cramp killed my race result.
Gareth Briggs finished 6th in 3hrs 14minutes.

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