Sunday, 28 December 2014

Weasdale Horseshoe

Weasdale Horseshoe Fell Race 23/08/14

A rare trip up to the lakes to race, this was my first lakes fell race. You start to fear the worst when you see the mountain grow as your driving on the motorway. And for those that know me, my nervous started to step it up a notch, so there were a couple of stops on the motorway!

I travelled up with a Craig Jeffery, Gareth Briggs, and Martin Dearden all from Staffs Moorlands running club. This made for an enjoyable journey because of the banter. Laughing definitely helps settle nervous.

We arrived at the Wasdale and it was no surprise that the race was attached to a village fete. A gently warm up and a quick look at the map and a technical tongue wag with Gaz about the the route as he has done it before. And I was set for me race plan.

This was the first time race registration also took place in a horse carriage. The race is organised by Howgill Harriers.

After some more banter about Craig news shoes and my toilet stops, we were lining up at the start line. After the open speech we were off:

A quick step description of my race.

Run downhill, stay in touch with Craig and Gaz. Gaz pushes on. Over road then cross small foot bridge into field that can only be described as a Trolls toilet, a horrible stinky bog. Out of the peat into first climb, push on, try to stay with Gaz. Fail. Push. Heart bursting through lungs. Must push on Climb. Reach the top. Windy, Cold. Rain 10 miles to the right of me.  Bad stomach for the first time during a race. Press on the rolling hills, the loop of course is revealed on the ridge. A horrid thought, it was better in the shadows. Keep pushing. No idea of millage. No idea of place. Hit downhill, catch breath. Craig is catching me. push on the climb. Reach checkpoint at the trig with Craig and Macclessfield runner. Downhill push and push to stay with craig downhill speed, fail. Catch on climb to trig. Me and Craig overtake Macclessfield runner. Hit the trig, downhill to trolls bog and finish. Craig pushes on and left me for dead. My head goes south. Exhausted. Fall over, roll and roll, pick myself up. lost sight of runners on unmarked course. Follow my nose. take a wrong line. Meet Walker who directs me. Thank you. Back on track, through small wood and stream. Wet feet. through the peat bog, gain on runners in front. Pass one. The other kicks to hard. uphill finish. Reach the man with watch collapse on the ground. Exhausted. The most effort I've ever put in a race.  I felt good, before race, not during. Felt great to finish. Good to see Gaz and Craig before me. Martin's soon after.

Gareth Briggs finished 3rd overall in 01:00:44
Craig Jeffery finished 8th in 01:04:21
I finished 10th in 01:06:05
Martin finished finished 30th in 01:12:56

This was a great race and an enjoyable one, well organised, great tea and cake. Great company.

We also managed to win the team prize for Staffordshire Moorlands.

Craig on the left, me in the middle, Gaz on the right.

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